Downtown Wheaton Summer Music Series
presented by Wheaton Sport Center
May - September
Live music is the best part of summer – enjoy 40+ live music events coming summer 2024! The Downtown Wheaton Summer Music Series brings the sounds of summer to the heart of Wheaton from May through September. Rotating between outdoor dining destinations, this series gives diners the opportunity to enjoy live music while trying all of Downtown Wheaton’s al fresco dining options.
Severe Weather Policy:
Unless otherwise indicated, outdoor events occur rain or shine. If lightning or other dangerous weather is imminent or present, the DWA reserves the right to cancel or delay any remaining event activities. Updates on the status of an interrupted or canceled event will be posted to Facebook and Instagram @downtownwheaton. Please note, event websites and social media pages may not be immediately updated to reflect any weather related changes. In the event a ticketed event is canceled, the DWA will email ticket holders with options for their unused tickets.
Photo/Video Policy:
The Downtown Wheaton Association takes photographs and videos of attendees for the purpose of promoting our events, promotions, membership, etc. By attending any DWA events and/or promotions the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) agrees to the use and distribution of their image/likeness (or that of a minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such activities for any purpose without inspection, compensation, or any other consideration now and in the future.